Thursday, 9 July 2015
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- 1 Lakh
- 10 Management lessons from Amit Shah
- 10x3 model
- 140 crore
- 14gaam
- 150 Countries For Oath Ceremony
- 1500 crore saved
- 17 hour meditation
- 2.0 1st day
- 2.71 crore every day
- 200
- 2016
- 2019
- 2030
- 24
- 26
- 272
- 300
- 3000 Crore Saved
- 370
- 3Cs 3Ds 3Es
- 3D public appearances Vs Chai pe Charcha
- 4p
- 4u
- 50 locations in 15 countries
- 52-million-year-old beetle fossil discovered
- 56
- 5M
- 7 ministers to pay special attention to non-BJP ruled states
- 83000 crore
- 99
- Aadhaar
- Aamir
- Ab ki Baar
- Abbreviation
- Abuse
- Accidental
- Achhe din aane waale hain
- Adalaj
- Adani
- Addresses
- Adi Kavi
- Admission Committee for Professional Courses
- Advani
- Afghan
- After
- Agriculture
- Ahmedabad
- ai
- Album / Popular tracks
- All-kayeda of Modi - Humor
- Ambani
- Ambedkar
- Amit Shah
- Amit Shah will take lessons from a Muslim yoga teacher Mohd Tamanna at special camp on June 21
- Amitabh Bachchan
- Amul
- Analysis of leadership by a gesture scientist
- Ancestor of Rhino and Horse
- Ancient Metropolitan City
- Animal
- Anti
- anushtan
- Apology
- Appreciation
- Apps
- Army
- Arsha Vidya
- Art Artist
- Artefact
- Asha
- Ashapura Mata
- Ask
- Athi
- attestation
- Aushadi
- Australia
- Autograph
- Ayushman
- Azaan
- Azim
- Baan
- back to front
- Bado Bharoso
- Balance
- Balochistan
- Bank Insurance
- Beach
- Beef Ban to save World
- Ben
- Beti Bachao
- Beti Padhao
- Bhadreshvara
- Bhagat Singh
- Bhakts
- Bharwad
- Bhavai
- Bhavnath
- Bhuj
- biden
- biggest cricket stadium
- Bio
- Birth
- BJP Vs Congress Media
- Black
- Blessed by Both by Shiva and Vishnu
- Blind
- Bliss
- Bohra
- Bole Gujarat
- Bollywood
- Books foryou
- Books on Narendra Modi flood the market
- Born
- Bow
- Boxing
- BrahmaSaraswati
- Brand
- Breakfast in Kabul lunch in Lahore Dinner in Delhi
- Bridge
- Broom
- Buddha
- Bullet
- Cabinet
- Care
- Cashless
- Caste
- Catch
- Chalk
- Changed
- Charge
- Cheetah
- China
- Choro
- Chowkidar
- Christ's teachings inspired millions across world
- Chulia
- Church
- cia
- Citizens for Accountable Governance
- Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
- Collection
- Condem
- Congress
- Congress worships cow in MP but Kerala leaders eat beef in pubic
- Conspiracy
- Contact
- Corona
- Corona Package
- Coronavirus SAARC
- corruption casteism communalism
- CostOfDemonetisation
- COVID Vowels
- Cow
- Cricket
- Critic
- criticism is like purification
- Crowd
- Currency
- Curse
- Dadu
- Dalit
- dandi
- dandvat
- dang
- Daughter
- Dayananda
- Dayananda Saraswati
- death
- Defecation
- Degree
- Delink terror from religion isolate those who back it
- Democracy
- demography democracy diversity
- Demon
- Demonetisation
- Desh Gujarat HD
- Desi
- Development
- Devil
- Digital
- Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji
- Dinosaur
- Diplomacy
- DIPP report
- Discover
- Divyang
- Diwali
- dock
- Doctor
- dog
- Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme
- don't reward nor rebuke Muslims Empower them
- dongreji
- Doordarshan Glocal
- DrainGainDeposit
- Drone
- Duck
- Duo
- e-SamikSha
- Ease of doing Business
- East India Company Indian Mujahideen Popular Front of India
- edible
- Eight Army innovations
- Eight major defence achievements
- Electricity
- equality
- Est
- Exam
- Exercise
- Expert
- Fail
- Fake
- Fakir
- Fans
- Fareed
- Farmer
- Fascist
- fast ball baffles Americans
- Father Alexis Prem Kumar
- Feeling dealing
- Feet
- Feku
- Find
- First Post
- FirstDigitalVillage
- Fiscal
- Five Layer Lock
- Flag
- Follower
- ForeignTrips
- four bureaucrats
- Fund
- G20
- gadhvi
- galwan
- Gandhi Vs Modi Vs Kejriwal
- Ganga
- Garba
- garvi
- Gate
- Gender
- Genetic science and Plastic Surgery
- Gift
- Girnar
- Gita
- Give
- Global Competitiveness Index
- Global Doordarshan
- Global Entry
- Godhra
- Godman
- Good and Simple Tax
- Gotra
- Governors now need President’s nod to travel
- gpt
- Grammy
- Guests donate blood organs at Gujarat wedding
- Gurjar
- gurus
- Haj
- Halar
- Harmony
- Harvard
- Head
- Headline
- Heard
- Heeraben
- Herald
- Highway
- History
- Hits's channel
- Holding
- Holiday
- horoscope
- Hospital
- Hospital Beds
- Huffington post
- Hug
- Hulk
- Humiliated
- ias
- ibn live
- ideology
- iit
- independence
- india
- India stands second on trust in national government
- indian express
- info
- intelligence sharing
- Intention
- InternationalKiteFestival
- InternationalYogaDay
- Interview
- ipo
- islands
- Israel
- Jacket
- jai
- jai sri
- jamnagar
- Jan Dhan in Guinness Book
- Jan Sampark Karyakram
- Jashodaben
- jkf
- joke
- k9
- kadi
- Kalam
- Kanada
- Kaniyan Pungundranar
- kankeshwari
- Karanta
- Karnavati
- Kashi
- kavach
- Kedarnath
- Kejriwal
- Kesar bhina Kanji
- Khadiy Bjp
- Khalasi
- Khedbrahma
- Kisan
- Knowledge focal point of all religions
- Krishna will take care
- kumbh
- Kutch
- labour
- Largest Gathering
- largest political party in the world
- Latest
- launch
- Learning Curve
- Leela
- Left
- Legend
- letter
- Lex
- lies
- life
- Limelight
- Lion
- List of people from Gujarat
- listen
- Live Stock
- look alike
- Loot
- Maa Kunwar Bai
- Madhapar
- Madhavpur
- Madhu
- Magic
- Mahesana
- Mahisagar
- Majority
- Make
- Man Vs Wild
- Mann Ki Baat
- Manohar
- mantavya
- Mari Hundi
- Matanamadh
- Mayank Gandhi
- Me
- Media
- Mega Food Parks
- Mehsana
- Meloni
- Memorial
- Metro
- Mika
- Military Airspace to Reduce Flying Time
- mindless compliance
- Mini
- Mobile
- Mock
- Mocked
- Model Village
- Modi narrates story of Krishna to Japanese students
- Modi opts out bullet proof
- Modi phenomenon: Propaganda or Reality
- MODI's 3D Campaigning Style Adopted By KCR and Chandrababu
- Modi's journey to PM
- Moment
- Mongolia
- Mop
- Moraji
- Morari
- Morarji Desai
- Mother
- Movie
- Mudra
- Mulji
- Multiplex
- Mundra
- Muslim Women
- Muslims
- Muthia
- Nagaland
- Namaste
- Name
- Namo
- Narasimha Rau
- Narayan Swami
- Narendra Modi
- Narendra Modi is finishing what Vajpayee began
- Narsinh Mehta Previous Birth
- NarsinhMehta
- Nassim
- National Creator Award
- Nationalist
- Navaratri
- navsarjan
- Nayaki
- Neem
- Nehru
- nehru shastri vajpayee modi
- Nepal
- Netanyahu replies in Hindi
- Niece
- Nirav
- NITI Ayog Vs Planning Commission
- Niti Central
- Nitish
- No one nation can dictate the world
- Nostradamus
- Nothing
- Now
- Nyay
- ocean
- Ojas
- Olympic
- Online
- Opponents
- Orbit
- Oscar
- Oxford
- Pair of musician brothers
- Pakistan
- Panchmahal
- pandya brothers
- Paramount
- Pariwarwadi
- Partition Horrors Remembrance Day
- Patrika
- Paytm
- Pending
- Photos
- PIO cards now have lifetime validity
- Pitroda
- Placement
- Plane
- PM turns artist for a cause
- PM tweets in Hebrew to greet Israelis
- Pmcare
- Poor
- Pope
- Popular Videos
- Pose
- Potent Pointers in his Philosophy
- Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
- Pragya
- Praise
- Pranab
- Prayer
- Premanand Bhatt
- Price
- Problem
- Queue
- Quota
- Quote
- Radio
- Rafale
- Rahman
- Rahul
- RailwayBudget
- raincoat in bathroom
- rajanvenkateswaran
- Rajinikanth
- Rajpath to Yogpath
- Rakhi
- Ram Ravan
- Ramesh credited Modi for affecting a generational shift in his Cabinet
- Rann Riders
- rasik
- Rat
- rating
- Reciprocates
- red tape to red carpet
- reform perform transform inform
- Register
- Religion
- Remember
- removes
- Renunciation
- ResearchIsMotherofdevelopment
- Reservation
- Respect
- Retail
- Return Awards
- Revival
- Riots
- Rs 100 crore
- Rudra
- Rupert
- Rural
- Sab
- Sabka
- Sad
- Sadhguru
- Sai
- Sakhya Bhav
- Salman
- Samarjitsinh
- sambhaav
- Sanatan
- sandesh
- sandhan
- Saputara
- sardar
- Sardarji Swamiji
- Sardhar Katha
- sasan
- Saurashtra
- Save
- Secular
- Selfie with daughter
- Semiophile
- Serve
- shamananisuvaas
- Shankar
- Shankaracharya
- share
- Shashi Tharoor
- shortcut shortcircuit
- Shyamji Krishna Varma
- Similar Habits
- Sindhu
- Skill
- Skull cap
- sky
- Sleep
- Smart Grid
- Snake
- Social Distancing
- Solar
- Solar Canal
- Solar Train
- Soldier
- Somnath to Vishwanath
- South
- Space
- Special needs
- Spider
- Spin offs and Flip side
- SpiritualUnityforDiversified
- stadium
- Startup
- State of the Art Bus Terminus
- Statue
- Stone
- Stop
- Story of Narsi Bhagat / Context
- Story Pick
- Subcontinent
- Subhas Chandra Bose
- Sufi
- Supporters
- Suresh
- SureshPrabhu
- Surgical
- Swach Bharat Mission
- Swargarohan
- Tahir Aslam Gora
- Talaq
- tank
- Tata
- Tattoo blood
- Tea
- Temple
- terror
- terrorism divides tourism unites
- Test
- Thali
- Thanos
- Thirukkural
- This pic is worth a million words
- Three Bows
- Tiger Leopard
- Time
- Tired
- Toilet
- Top 10 Gujarati billionaires
- Top-level corruption's down
- Tourism
- Translation of Narsinh Mehta's Poems into English
- Travel by night business by day
- Triassic
- Tribal
- Trump
- Truth
- Tulabharam
- Tulsidas
- Tumblr
- Tumour
- Turkmenistan
- TV actors root for their favourite as PM
- tv9
- Twelve major infrastructure developments
- Twitter to address Conference
- Tyeba
- UAE Temple
- UK
- umiya
- Uri
- Vacation
- Vadnagar
- VaishnavaJanaTo
- Vajintra
- Vallalar
- Vande Gujarat
- Vantara
- Veg
- Verified
- Veteran
- Video Raths
- Vijay Bhatt
- Village Meet
- Villagers Turn Crorepatis
- vinodini13
- Visa
- Vishguru
- Vishwa
- Visit so many Muslim countries
- Vivekananda
- vocal for local
- Voch
- water
- Wave
- webinar
- When a crocodile attacked Narendra Modi
- Whitehouse
- WhyModiWillLoose2019Election
- Widow
- With
- Witty
- women
- world biggest refinery
- world largest grain storage
- World Largest Office
- world largest renewable energy park
- World powers compliment
- World takes a view of Narendra Modi
- World vision
- YashodaYashodaraYashodaben
- YogBhogRog
- Youngest friend in Seoul
- zoo
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