Monday 23 February 2015


Continuing with his series of addresses to the nation through the radio, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed students in India who will be appearing for the Board exams.

Emphasizing on the need of a conducive environment in the run up to the exams,
  1. exams are not the end and avoid exam pressure 
  2. self confidence is the key to crack the exams and one should compete with themselves rather that others. 
  3. People feel if an exam goes wrong everything will change. But it is not like that.
Citing the example of famous pole vaulter Sergey Bubka who broke his own records repeatedly, Modi asked the students to have confidence like Bubka in whatever they do in their life.

However, he also had something to share with the parents of children who will be appearing for the board exams. He said that 
  1. they should not compare their children with others 
  2. but should make sure that they support their children and 
  3. not pressurize them to perform beyond expectations.
Taking a leaf out of his own book, Modi said Do not take so much tension.
  1. I have been an ordinary student. 
  2. I have not scored exceptionally well in the exams 
  3. I gave and have a poor handwriting also," he added.
Modi also asked them not to worry much about their future. 
  1. "A good batsman is thinking about the ball he is facing not about the match, or series. He is thinking about the present. 
  2. "Sometimes we think too much about the future or are lost in the past. 
  3. Can't do that during exam time...we need to be in the present."
