Sunday, 24 December 2017
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Friday, 7 July 2017
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Monday, 12 June 2017
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Friday, 31 March 2017
Friday, 17 March 2017
Friday, 10 March 2017
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Sunday, 5 February 2017
"S for Samajwadi, C for Congress, A for Akhilkesh and M for Mayawati,"
Akhilkesh Reply
"'SCAM' stands for Save the Country from Amit Shah and Modi,"
Rahul Reply
"S means Service for the poor. C means Courage. A means Ability. M means Modesty,"
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
"In FUTURE, the letter
- 'F' stands for the farmer,
- 'U' stands for underprivileged which includes dalit, oppressed, women etc.,
- 'T' stands for transparency, technology upgradation - the dream of a modern India,
- 'U' stands for urban rejuvenation the urban development,
- 'R' stands for rural development and
- 'E' stands for employment for youth, entrepreneurship, enhancement to give a push to new employment and boost to young entrepreneurs," Modi said.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Friday, 13 January 2017
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Friday, 6 January 2017
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
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- 1 Lakh
- 10 Management lessons from Amit Shah
- 10x3 model
- 140 crore
- 14gaam
- 150 Countries For Oath Ceremony
- 1500 crore saved
- 17 hour meditation
- 2.0 1st day
- 2.71 crore every day
- 200
- 2016
- 2019
- 2030
- 24
- 26
- 272
- 300
- 3000 Crore Saved
- 370
- 3Cs 3Ds 3Es
- 3D public appearances Vs Chai pe Charcha
- 4p
- 4u
- 50 locations in 15 countries
- 52-million-year-old beetle fossil discovered
- 56
- 5M
- 7 ministers to pay special attention to non-BJP ruled states
- 83000 crore
- 99
- Aadhaar
- Aamir
- Ab ki Baar
- Abbreviation
- Abuse
- Accidental
- Achhe din aane waale hain
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- Admission Committee for Professional Courses
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- After
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- Ahmedabad
- ai
- Album / Popular tracks
- All-kayeda of Modi - Humor
- Ambani
- Ambedkar
- Amit Shah
- Amit Shah will take lessons from a Muslim yoga teacher Mohd Tamanna at special camp on June 21
- Amitabh Bachchan
- Amul
- Analysis of leadership by a gesture scientist
- Ancestor of Rhino and Horse
- Ancient Metropolitan City
- Animal
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- anushtan
- Apology
- Appreciation
- Apps
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- Ask
- Athi
- attestation
- Aushadi
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- Azaan
- Azim
- Baan
- back to front
- Bado Bharoso
- Balance
- Balochistan
- Bank Insurance
- Beach
- Beef Ban to save World
- Ben
- Beti Bachao
- Beti Padhao
- Bhadreshvara
- Bhagat Singh
- Bhakts
- Bharwad
- Bhavai
- Bhavnath
- Bhuj
- biden
- biggest cricket stadium
- Bio
- Birth
- BJP Vs Congress Media
- Black
- Blessed by Both by Shiva and Vishnu
- Blind
- Bliss
- Bohra
- Bole Gujarat
- Bollywood
- Books foryou
- Books on Narendra Modi flood the market
- Born
- Bow
- Boxing
- BrahmaSaraswati
- Brand
- Breakfast in Kabul lunch in Lahore Dinner in Delhi
- Bridge
- Broom
- Buddha
- Bullet
- Cabinet
- Care
- Cashless
- Caste
- Catch
- Chalk
- Changed
- Charge
- Cheetah
- China
- Choro
- Chowkidar
- Christ's teachings inspired millions across world
- Chulia
- Church
- cia
- Citizens for Accountable Governance
- Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
- Collection
- Condem
- Congress
- Congress worships cow in MP but Kerala leaders eat beef in pubic
- Conspiracy
- Contact
- Corona
- Corona Package
- Coronavirus SAARC
- corruption casteism communalism
- CostOfDemonetisation
- COVID Vowels
- Cow
- Cricket
- Critic
- criticism is like purification
- Crowd
- Currency
- Curse
- Dadu
- Dalit
- dandi
- dandvat
- dang
- Daughter
- Dayananda
- Dayananda Saraswati
- death
- Defecation
- Degree
- Delink terror from religion isolate those who back it
- Democracy
- demography democracy diversity
- Demon
- Demonetisation
- Desh Gujarat HD
- Desi
- Development
- Devil
- Digital
- Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji
- Dinosaur
- Diplomacy
- DIPP report
- Discover
- Divyang
- Diwali
- dock
- Doctor
- dog
- Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme
- don't reward nor rebuke Muslims Empower them
- dongreji
- Doordarshan Glocal
- DrainGainDeposit
- Drone
- Duck
- Duo
- e-SamikSha
- Ease of doing Business
- East India Company Indian Mujahideen Popular Front of India
- edible
- Eight Army innovations
- Eight major defence achievements
- Electricity
- equality
- Est
- Exam
- Exercise
- Expert
- Fail
- Fake
- Fakir
- Fans
- Fareed
- Farmer
- Fascist
- fast ball baffles Americans
- Father Alexis Prem Kumar
- Feeling dealing
- Feet
- Feku
- Find
- First Post
- FirstDigitalVillage
- Fiscal
- Five Layer Lock
- Flag
- Follower
- ForeignTrips
- four bureaucrats
- Fund
- G20
- gadhvi
- galwan
- Gandhi Vs Modi Vs Kejriwal
- Ganga
- Garba
- garvi
- Gate
- Gender
- Genetic science and Plastic Surgery
- Gift
- Girnar
- Gita
- Give
- Global Competitiveness Index
- Global Doordarshan
- Global Entry
- Godhra
- Godman
- Good and Simple Tax
- Gotra
- Governors now need President’s nod to travel
- gpt
- Grammy
- Guests donate blood organs at Gujarat wedding
- Gurjar
- gurus
- Haj
- Halar
- Harmony
- Harvard
- Head
- Headline
- Heard
- Heeraben
- Herald
- Highway
- History
- Hits's channel
- Holding
- Holiday
- horoscope
- Hospital
- Hospital Beds
- Huffington post
- Hug
- Hulk
- Humiliated
- ias
- ibn live
- ideology
- iit
- independence
- india
- India stands second on trust in national government
- indian express
- info
- intelligence sharing
- Intention
- InternationalKiteFestival
- InternationalYogaDay
- Interview
- ipo
- islands
- Israel
- Jacket
- jai
- jai sri
- jamnagar
- Jan Dhan in Guinness Book
- Jan Sampark Karyakram
- Jashodaben
- jkf
- joke
- k9
- kadi
- Kalam
- Kanada
- Kaniyan Pungundranar
- kankeshwari
- Karanta
- Karnavati
- Kashi
- kavach
- Kedarnath
- Kejriwal
- Kesar bhina Kanji
- Khadiy Bjp
- Khalasi
- Khedbrahma
- Kisan
- Knowledge focal point of all religions
- Krishna will take care
- kumbh
- Kutch
- labour
- Largest Gathering
- largest political party in the world
- Latest
- launch
- Learning Curve
- Leela
- Left
- Legend
- letter
- Lex
- lies
- life
- Limelight
- Lion
- List of people from Gujarat
- listen
- Live Stock
- look alike
- Loot
- Maa Kunwar Bai
- Madhapar
- Madhavpur
- Madhu
- Magic
- Mahesana
- Mahisagar
- Majority
- Make
- Man Vs Wild
- Mann Ki Baat
- Manohar
- mantavya
- Mari Hundi
- Matanamadh
- Mayank Gandhi
- Me
- Media
- Mega Food Parks
- Mehsana
- Meloni
- Memorial
- Metro
- Mika
- Military Airspace to Reduce Flying Time
- mindless compliance
- Mini
- Mobile
- Mock
- Mocked
- Model Village
- Modi narrates story of Krishna to Japanese students
- Modi opts out bullet proof
- Modi phenomenon: Propaganda or Reality
- MODI's 3D Campaigning Style Adopted By KCR and Chandrababu
- Modi's journey to PM
- Moment
- Mongolia
- Mop
- Moraji
- Morari
- Morarji Desai
- Mother
- Movie
- Mudra
- Mulji
- Multiplex
- Mundra
- Muslim Women
- Muslims
- Muthia
- Nagaland
- Namaste
- Name
- Namo
- Narasimha Rau
- Narayan Swami
- Narendra Modi
- Narendra Modi is finishing what Vajpayee began
- Narsinh Mehta Previous Birth
- NarsinhMehta
- Nassim
- National Creator Award
- Nationalist
- Navaratri
- navsarjan
- Nayaki
- Neem
- Nehru
- nehru shastri vajpayee modi
- Nepal
- Netanyahu replies in Hindi
- Niece
- Nirav
- NITI Ayog Vs Planning Commission
- Niti Central
- Nitish
- No one nation can dictate the world
- Nostradamus
- Nothing
- Now
- Nyay
- ocean
- Ojas
- Olympic
- Online
- Opponents
- Orbit
- Oscar
- Oxford
- Pair of musician brothers
- Pakistan
- Panchmahal
- pandya brothers
- Paramount
- Pariwarwadi
- Partition Horrors Remembrance Day
- Patrika
- Paytm
- Pending
- Photos
- PIO cards now have lifetime validity
- Pitroda
- Placement
- Plane
- PM turns artist for a cause
- PM tweets in Hebrew to greet Israelis
- Pmcare
- Poor
- Pope
- Popular Videos
- Pose
- Potent Pointers in his Philosophy
- Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
- Pragya
- Praise
- Pranab
- Prayer
- Premanand Bhatt
- Price
- Problem
- Queue
- Quota
- Quote
- Radio
- Rafale
- Rahman
- Rahul
- RailwayBudget
- raincoat in bathroom
- rajanvenkateswaran
- Rajinikanth
- Rajpath to Yogpath
- Rakhi
- Ram Ravan
- Ramesh credited Modi for affecting a generational shift in his Cabinet
- Rann Riders
- rasik
- Rat
- rating
- Reciprocates
- red tape to red carpet
- reform perform transform inform
- Register
- Religion
- Remember
- removes
- Renunciation
- ResearchIsMotherofdevelopment
- Reservation
- Respect
- Retail
- Return Awards
- Revival
- Riots
- Rs 100 crore
- Rudra
- Rupert
- Rural
- Sab
- Sabka
- Sad
- Sadhguru
- Sai
- Sakhya Bhav
- Salman
- Samarjitsinh
- sambhaav
- Sanatan
- sandesh
- sandhan
- Saputara
- sardar
- Sardarji Swamiji
- Sardhar Katha
- sasan
- Saurashtra
- Save
- Secular
- Selfie with daughter
- Semiophile
- Serve
- shamananisuvaas
- Shankar
- Shankaracharya
- share
- Shashi Tharoor
- shortcut shortcircuit
- Shyamji Krishna Varma
- Similar Habits
- Sindhu
- Skill
- Skull cap
- sky
- Sleep
- Smart Grid
- Snake
- Social Distancing
- Solar
- Solar Canal
- Solar Train
- Soldier
- Somnath to Vishwanath
- South
- Space
- Special needs
- Spider
- Spin offs and Flip side
- SpiritualUnityforDiversified
- stadium
- Startup
- State of the Art Bus Terminus
- Statue
- Stone
- Stop
- Story of Narsi Bhagat / Context
- Story Pick
- Subcontinent
- Subhas Chandra Bose
- Sufi
- Supporters
- Suresh
- SureshPrabhu
- Surgical
- Swach Bharat Mission
- Swargarohan
- Tahir Aslam Gora
- Talaq
- tank
- Tata
- Tattoo blood
- Tea
- Temple
- terror
- terrorism divides tourism unites
- Test
- Thali
- Thanos
- Thirukkural
- This pic is worth a million words
- Three Bows
- Tiger Leopard
- Time
- Tired
- Toilet
- Top 10 Gujarati billionaires
- Top-level corruption's down
- Tourism
- Translation of Narsinh Mehta's Poems into English
- Travel by night business by day
- Triassic
- Tribal
- Trump
- Truth
- Tulabharam
- Tulsidas
- Tumblr
- Tumour
- Turkmenistan
- TV actors root for their favourite as PM
- tv9
- Twelve major infrastructure developments
- Twitter to address Conference
- Tyeba
- UAE Temple
- UK
- umiya
- Uri
- Vacation
- Vadnagar
- VaishnavaJanaTo
- Vajintra
- Vallalar
- Vande Gujarat
- Vantara
- Veg
- Verified
- Veteran
- Video Raths
- Vijay Bhatt
- Village Meet
- Villagers Turn Crorepatis
- vinodini13
- Visa
- Vishguru
- Vishwa
- Visit so many Muslim countries
- Vivekananda
- vocal for local
- Voch
- water
- Wave
- webinar
- When a crocodile attacked Narendra Modi
- Whitehouse
- WhyModiWillLoose2019Election
- Widow
- With
- Witty
- women
- world biggest refinery
- world largest grain storage
- World Largest Office
- world largest renewable energy park
- World powers compliment
- World takes a view of Narendra Modi
- World vision
- YashodaYashodaraYashodaben
- YogBhogRog
- Youngest friend in Seoul
- zoo